Monday, December 22, 2008


So first EB planning conference happened this weekend in the building of BBVA!
Thanks to great ALumnies, company representative and great EBs we had amazing experience!
Now time to finish plans and start great year come!

Monday, December 15, 2008

MC days

Couple weeks ago we had MC day - team building to greet new member in our team.
it was nice and useful.
The moderator and wonderful facilitator was our lovely intern and ex-LCP of one Colombian LC - Nancy:)
It was good!We should have more such days:)

LC elections

It happened almost a month ago , but influence we'll see even in 1 year:)
So here is 2 brave teams that will lead LCs in Puerto Rico:
LC Rio Piedras (Girls' EB and Ricardo:)

And AIESEC extension in Mayaguez
"Carissa and boys"

We wish u luck and great achievements , guys!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

coming soon...

...story about 2 LC elections - in Rio Piedras and Mayaguez is coming soon -very soon:))

new member in MC Puerto Rico

We have now 4th member of our great Puerto Rican MC!!!
It's Juan Carlos, from Mexico!

He got here 2 weeks ago and starting to work with our national Partner Triple-S and as MC VP Projects. He is in charge of CSR project with AIESEC and also development of PBoXes in Puerto Rico.
Welcome Juan and have great experience and time with us , here:)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

after National Conference

After national conference…I still can’t back to normal life. Conferences are always something that turn ur world 180% and the better conference was the stronger u can feel it.

I was working, exhausting myself a lot- with reason and without. I experienced a lot of things ,but it's not about me (besides , it was one of the best my conference XP )..

It’s about growth. Growth of country. Nowadays we have 74 people in our database. Is it a lot ? or a bit? Comparing to 30 , that was also only in’s a lot! And now just way to keep them all – it’s what we need to do.

I really happy that for some people @ was opened and some people found place or would find place soon.

I really want to leave this position with people that know what to do, are actively involved into organization and develop themselves.

I like strong emotions, and every time u want stronger and stronger feeling.

It feels after big events like this one – u can feel it and see the result of ur work right away.

Now waiting the elections and see the growth and development of this LC!!!



Friday, October 24, 2008

National COnference -soon!!!!

2 weeks more and the best conference in 2008 will be reality!!!
Faci are working hard on sessions...
OC is doing all possible to have all the best for delegates...
Members are thinking and searching the ways to be 7-9th of November...
in Arryo- National Parks of Puerto Rico - place , where
Delegates, alumni, interns, international delegates and facis, MC will meet and create future of AIESEC in Puerto Rico!!!

....and it'll be my first Conference management experience- smth that I was looking for so many year;)

Friday, October 17, 2008


People -it's the main capital for the company...sometimes you can hear it.
for us , People is everything! People are organization, organization is people. when people are leaving @ office, @ doean't exist any more...
I like office nowadays! Why?
-cause U meet people everyday!
-cause u see they are happy, sad, busy and not very much, u share with them this amazing XP!XP of ur life, everyday challenge, growth and work.
-cause u see, people are moving!
People moves this organziation, and in organization people are's for sure interconnected!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

one more great event

Today in the morning I had really really great opportunity to attend training from professional.
It was training from Dale Carnegie company.AmazinG:))
Why do I like it?
Cause it's good for professional development to participate at such events. It's good to see how professional people that are doing all their life trainings and that actually is their job are leading it.
I also have to admit that training was great and interative, at the same time it was for me refreshment of my knowledge and reflecting on experience that I had before with Team engagement. And it's part of organization that I'm working for. We are young, a bit more than 20, and we already know what the professionals are talking about. It motivates me a lot. I think , professional things that you can learn in organziation , and after use in your professional life are really motivating to move here and put a lot of efforts, cause it's neded and it's relevant.
You built your career today in business evironment, among real business people . what can be more great? ;)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

land of opportunities

Great ideas behind this video -
Enjoy and think about!:)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

AIESEC at the biggest HR Conference and Exposition of the year!!!

What is MC work about? We usually have a ot of events, tasks, challenges, things to solve, to do, to plan, to decide. And because of all this maybe we forget to share our experience with others. I want to fix and show a bit more of such magic and valuable XP ,as to be in National team!!!

Yeyeyeh…It’s good to be, it’s good to be in MC team!!!

Today all MC team was participating in huge huge event that brings together company representatives from the most recognized and well positioned companies in PR. It’s huge event with a lot of interesting trainings, business exhibition – “SHRM PR” – 35th Conference and Exposition.

At this event nearly 150 companies are presented. A lot of companies from insurance, consulting, human resources and another areas!

You are going around, talking to people, presenting your organization and you are getting more and more excited. Why?

- Because You see that u are among professionals,

-because U see that what you do have big importance and that in business world such experience as yours and ur members is needed and highly valuable.

-Because U have access to the companies, u can see what they are about , to talk to them about how they are working.

-U can decide ur professional future here!

-U can decide professional future of members that u are in charge of!

-because u are in real business environment – where people are making money and business.

-because it’s so unique…probably u are the youngest person there. And u see that a lot of things u do even more professional then some is doing at his/her 30-40s…

-because u gain valuable XP of presentation, networking, negotiations, selling, telling , positioning –everything that is so needed in nowadays business world. And everything it, just because …U are AIESECer!!!

I wanted to participate in such event long long time ago...So now I'm living my dreams!:)

And when u are active in AIESEC and u are in MC, for sure such events for u are more open. And it’s great! It’s big step for AIESEC PR in positioning. It’s big step to be professional! It’s big step and it’s really great!

Thanks to Fati that get such amazing opportunity and thanks to our supporters that kindly provide us with such unbelievable opportunity to be part of such great event!

About other events and moments from MC life -stay tuned...the next posts are coming:)

Monday, August 25, 2008

article aboout us in Universia!!!

We are at Universia web-site
check here -
Big applause to Odette, who is author of this article:)
Greetings from Brazil

our delegation :)

Our Puerto Rican delegation at IC (after Global Village -where we were presenting our lovely Puerto Rico - island of enchantment:)

images from these days

ok, so here is a bit of pics - what was happening here at IC 2008 , in Brazil.
Global Village

Official openning of the Conference

Second day of the conference
stay tuned for next updates...:)

up-dates - what is going on here?!?

The world is running very very fast and u notice it during such international huge event especially. Some ideas are coming , u meet people with different and so unique experiences, u have to do a lot of different stuff in the same time. It’s super intensive time. and I realize more and more that u need to be focused on couple specific things. To select focus area – so important. Now it’s time to develop personal effectiveness competency:).

Briefly about all events that we ve gone through the last 3 days.

On Friday we had begging of Alumni congress – space to reflect , share personal stories, to talk to Alumnus, to listen to their life stories, to see and connect to the impact of organization that every year is growing and growing.

Interesting discussion that I’ve been participating was about how to find ur talents and passion and fulfill it in life. Actually the topic a bit developed and changed during discussion . and my general conclusions were after a bit different from the initial topic. Nevertheless It was really really great to hear the story of a man that nowadays have ordinary factory and not very links to his passion, that he found during internship In AIESEC,, but he tries everyday to enjoy his life, to be leader for his employees , to be with them and support them , to “walk his talk” – to do everything that he promises. I was happy to hear such story . cause it shows us that in order to enjoy ur life and fulfill ur mission/passion in life, u don’t need to be big national leader or peacemaker. U can contribute to ur life mission/passion, u can use ur talents on everyday basis. And it’s even more important , then to be CEO or business guru. This alumni is making difference every day and for ordinary people. Such small examples are for me much more powerful and motivational.

Some extracts from brief notes of the day:

U need to try and then u will find ur passion.

If u don’t have chance to work in area of ur passion –live every day and find how u can use it in different way.

Happiness is not the goal –it’s path .

If anything makes ur eyes to shine, then u should probably to move on and search for another place.

Experience life and find urself in it.

People tend to be afraid to search for themselves. In life.

If u have couple of ingredients of ur passion –try to create ur own “salat” of life.

Just enjoy the life in every condition that u life.

In order to find ur passion – try to find which daily activities make u to stop and shine brightly , make u extremely happy and proud, make u feel that u accomplish smth.

Saturday , Sunday …at conference u don’t have weekendsJ)

But they passed really really soon. There were a lot of discussions, open spaces fo r connecting to people, 2 award ceremonies, Brazilian night (where we meet our lovely 2 girls from You Can – Jenny and Colette).It was more focused to build connections among people of different age and countries, to think once again about urself and connect it to Sustainability topic.

Also we saw the report of International team (AIESEC International ) – what was the achievement s of previous year.

Today ? Today was Monday…Learning networks day – it means externals were leading sessions, presentations, workshops around different issues and topic that are interesting to AIESECers all over the world.

I’ve been at 2 workshops – first –it’s about “Developing ur full potential ”- compiling a lot of smart ideas that actually everyone should be familiar in life. If u ever read Steven Covey – u have 90% of information from this training.

The fundamental idea behind – that U ARE DRIVING UR LIFE and all linked with it things.

Next workshop that I attended – about Artemisia –our Global Partner and organization that support Ser Mas program in IGN. It was interesting to know with whom we are going to work next year. People that striving to empower Social entrepreneurship = enterprises that support society and make contribution to it.

Besides this – a lot a lot of meetings, discussions, talks to different countries, to VPs in the same area. All breaks , free time u are trying to approach as many people as possible. Because international conference it’s really about networking, cooperation, sharing knowledge, meeting new people, discovering new countries, new opportunities, finding out that the world is not so huge as u might think. so it’s really unbelievable how many people u are talking to every day. Probably 30-45.

And one more thing for now that I wanted to share – I really enjoy to be part of Ibroamerica Growth Network. I like people, I’m really proud to work among such people and I’m really glad that they are doing really great job and are professionals in their functional area.

Also this IC is special because of 60th Anniversary. Now it’s in the past already, as it finished yeatsrday. But it was really great tp talk to these people that are leading not really average life. And u can notice and feel that they have been in this organization, and they are not just average adult. Some of them are CEO, some have their own business, and u can have amazing conversation with all of them.

Ok, for now from me it all.

Greetings from Sao Paulo

Saturday, August 23, 2008

thoughts after 2 days

2 days of IC already passed... 3 days of pre-meeting and 4 days in Rio.

Impressions after 2nd day of teh biggest conference – most probably for me it’s talks to people – getting to know their personal stories, their ambitions and achievements, their believes and how they achieved it .

For me personally , such conferences are about uniting people with smth similar. It’s platform that provides u space and place to expand ur points of view , to meet people that are the same , to meet people that can inspire u by their example. Out of these 2 days – I think the most what remember is talks to people.

I really like my team . my country delegation – they are smart, polite, courteous, deep thinking, searching and using every minute of this conference.

It’s interesting thing that whatever u will get out of this conference it’s up to u. it’s right.. sometimes it’s just hard to believe and execute it.

I was waiting for this time approximately 2 year. And when this time came –u are trying to live ur best, don’t lose any minute and get the most what u can.

It’s unbelievable that u can meet people from 106 countries and territories in one place and one time. I’m really proud to be here. I’m really happy for my delegation, that has first time after couple of years 3 Puerto Ricans in it.

I think we are starting to get into the mood of conference. To start smth is usually hard. But I think this conference is extremely important for 1000 and 1000 young and not very;), people, that came from all over the world in order to ensure that way of organization is one for everybody and to provide this unique unique XP- to be among such huge amount of different countries , to feel that the world becoming closer and te topic of sustainability is rising and becoming to be more and more important…

I like such feelings !!!

Stay tuned for next edition;)

Puerto Rican MC at Pre-meeting (18.08-21.08)

It's couple of images from 3 days, when we were connected and working tightly in our lovely Growth Network - Ibroamerica GN!

greetings for @ Puerto Rico

Hello my dear!
It was last week whe we recorded this for all people in @ in Puerto Rico.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Hola , hola , hola!!!
So here is the space for us to share our unique and so unbelievable eXperience that we are living every day in Puerto Rico.
So welcome to our blog and we are happy to share our feelings, emotions and thoughts!