Thursday, January 15, 2009

First learning circle in Mayagüez

As I'm living and working nowadays in Mayagüez - city in the west of Puerto Rico, I can participate in the activities of LC.

So today I was at first Learning Circle of IG Mayag
üez. The topic was "Social entrepreneurship -social ventures model" .The host of this warm conversatio n was great and active LCP of this IG -Carissa. Nearly all members gather at the cute cafe at the centre of the town and talk about ways how to work with communities and make social bussiness in Puerto Rico. It's very pleasant to take part in such activities and be among such young and active people.
I really wait that this Learning circle will have continuation and action.
Great job and keep developing!!!:)

Katy from Mayag
üez lively:)

MC ER experience

Fatima Rocha , MC VP ER 2008-2009 ,AIESEC in Puerto Rico

" Being MC in Puerto Rico has been a big challenge in a very positive
way. We have been building a lot of things here and the fact that you
start things up from the beginning is remarkable. Nowadays the idea to
work in an AIESEC Country like Puerto Rico brings as much challenge
and knowledge as in other countries. Beside this, the people here is
the best, the daily life is electrifying, you can join beautiful
beaches every weekend and work with fabulous people everyday, that is
why YOU SHOULD APPLY to MC in Puerto Rico! We are growing, we need
your contribution and we are waiting for your application!"

My Experience in Puerto Rico

Having more than 4 years of AIESEC XP before joining the MC team in Puerto Rico has been one of the most challenging experiences. Being an international MC member in the team, I get to know about the Puerto Rican culture. And after spending some months in Puerto Rico, I get to understand my own impact in the society and how AIESEC has forever changed some of the lives here in Puerto Rico and of course my own life. It is the reason and the drive for me to be in Puerto Rico, a place where it is very much interesting and where i need to build a lot of things to achieve the results, it is the difference because it makes you to do more, definitely is the best desicion that i made in my life because it is challenging my own world view.

My experience does not only involved AIESEC work. Puerto Rico has such a rich culture and so much to offer for tourism, I have been spending my weekend traveling over the island... They are all amazing tourist sites that you wasn't want to miss! Being able to see all of these has been really incredible for me. I have gone through all these cultural experiences I wouldn't be able to get otherwise in Mexico. Besides the cultural experience, the network, both inside and outside AIESEC that I've gained in these months is amazing! Working professionally in AIESEC has improved my professional and personal skills at work and made friends for life!!
this amazing experience that I had experienced was only some months of my term! I really can't wait to see how my next half of the year would go and how i will be at the end on my term with this experience.

and also having my internship in Triple-S the second company in Puerto Rico it gave me a lot of experience in Corporative Social Responsability, with this internship i have the opportunity to be the Project Manager and to elaborate the first social report alignment with the framework of the Global Reporting Initiative, definitely it allows me to work with excellent Puerto Rican people and have the opportunity to have contact with the President of this big organization and to have more knowledge and experience in CSR also it is amazing experience to invite you to come to Puerto Rico.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How is it to be in MC Puerto Rico?

So half a year passed when our MC team started to work together, toward one common goal.
Now it's time to reflect and see -how is eXPerience in MC Puerto Rico;)
MCP AIESEC in Puerto Rico 2008-2009 Betsy Salas

"Live the MC experience in Puerto Rico has been great! This country offers you so many opportunities to challenge yourself and be creative, I like the fact that as MC we can really make an impact in peoples' life, in Puerto Rico we are responsible for developing the platform for the future generations of AIESECers."

"International MC is an incredible opportunity! When you are in a country that is not yours, where AIESEC is so relevant but has the risk to disappear, you realize the significant impact you can make leading this organization, is really important to understand that we are not only working for our own personal development but for the people we don't even know will be part of the organization because they also will have the same opportunities we are having."

Living in Puerto Rico has been like paradise, the country is so beautiful, I this island you can find everything: wonderful beaches, mountains, forests, history, music, etc….but the most important is the people, Puerto Ricans are very friendly people that will make you feel in family!

MC VP Talent Management 2008-2009

Katya Pavliuk

MC international…MC in Puerto Rico..So many memories, It’s one of the best things that happened to me in AIESEC. The decision was made very spontaneously, but the result turned out to be changing lives and maybe even destinies.

MC International it’s like jump out to the lake, that u don’t know the bottom. U may know where and for what u are applying , but the experience will be more intensive and interesting that u expect.

MC International it’s flight that worth, it’s very high fly…It’s smth that u need to try in your life once to know –what does it means personal effectiveness, decision making, adjusting, cultural understanding, friendship, management , work in international team, interpersonal communication, effective communication, going, going, achieving and building strategies in first unknown and new environment…U get so many out of it ,that u even can’t count and remind everything…U need time to reflect and evaluate it. And I think definitely that such experience is unique. Cause it’s in AIESEC. U can just go to internship after ur LCP/MC term, but u will not have so many challenges, development and just amazing experience . The important thing is about working and being inside the organization. Being MC abroad u open one more miracle side of AIESEC, u discover organization once again, and probably u discover urself once again.

MC in Puerto Rico –it’s the most intensive, professional and personal experience. What is it? It’s about culture, people, country, style of life, conditions. All this makes MC Puerto Rico just amazing. I have so many bright emotions and memories after 6 month living here. It’s really close work with LCs , that is smth good. Cause u are ot only building and working out strategies ,but u also train people on field, see their mistakes and achievement, u are manager and coach, friend and adviser, u learn how to warm, emotional, passionate and motivated people can be.

MC in Puerto Rico I chose to get more professional XP in HR. And I can say honestly, that I’m on my way to meet this expectations. Being here I learnt a lot. And it makes me better, stronger. But all this experience in such amazing country with so great people makes it 3 times worthier.

I’d never change MC experience here to anything else. And I’m very glad to live and work in the “Island of Enchantment”.

To be continued...;)

Monday, January 12, 2009

MC coaching in Mayaguez

So , yes, I came to Mayaguez for intensive coaching and working here for next month!
I knew it will be new experience for everybody -for me, Mayaguez, LC Rio Piedras, AIESEC in Puerto Rico.
Right now staying at great and nice member and friend of Carissa - Cristina.
It's smth new and challenging for me ,as I'm not so easy to change the locations and places. I'm always very enthusiast to do it but on other hand I feel challenged and highly motivated to contribute to the growth of IG Mayaguez!!!
SO it's time to personal and organizational growing!:)
Welcome to Mayaguez:))