Monday, December 22, 2008


So first EB planning conference happened this weekend in the building of BBVA!
Thanks to great ALumnies, company representative and great EBs we had amazing experience!
Now time to finish plans and start great year come!

Monday, December 15, 2008

MC days

Couple weeks ago we had MC day - team building to greet new member in our team.
it was nice and useful.
The moderator and wonderful facilitator was our lovely intern and ex-LCP of one Colombian LC - Nancy:)
It was good!We should have more such days:)

LC elections

It happened almost a month ago , but influence we'll see even in 1 year:)
So here is 2 brave teams that will lead LCs in Puerto Rico:
LC Rio Piedras (Girls' EB and Ricardo:)

And AIESEC extension in Mayaguez
"Carissa and boys"

We wish u luck and great achievements , guys!!!